


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

oh, drew, won't you ever cut the bs?
you take an "I was wrong, children need to be protected, but teens are not children" and leap from that to "teens don't need any protection whatsoever", which does not follow at all.
that's what my daughter calls neurotypism: making guesses about what's going on in a neurodivergent's mind as if the person were neurotypical. our minds are different and diverse even among ourselves, but you can't get that into your mind AFAICT because it would conflict with your determination to condemn an innocent person.
teens are not children, but they aren't adults either. their development requires progressive autonomy. your stance that they should have no say whatsoever as to their sexual development and experiences, because you say so and set out to destroy that who says otherwise, is the problem here. teens need increasing amounts of autonomy as they progress towards adulthood for the sake of their own development, and it's your push for infantilizing them is that is harmful.
moreover, development is not uniform, chronological ages are reference points but not determinant. there's diversity even there, and even more so among atypical people. your binary stance lacks the tolerance, inclusiveness, thoughtfulness and nuance that you'd see in RMS's speech if only you weren't so blinded by what you project onto him. why do you hate diversity of thought so much? 2024-09-26 22:01

like, "why won't this line [to the slaughterhouse] move faster?" is what I often get, paraphrased
it sucks to feel like cassandra 2024-09-26 20:20

I want that
and I want that from browsers too 2024-09-26 19:56

RT @hrefna As I have said before. # _is not a protocol_ in its base form. It is a _family_ of protocols that are not mutually intelligible.The reason it seems like it is mutually intelligible is because of a great deal of hard work from a lot of skilled volunteers dedicating their time to make things work together and to make it so that systems can talk to each other.But that's not something you get out of the box. 2024-09-26 19:51

Alexandre Oliva started following Kanji of the Day. 2024-09-26 19:50

so sorry, that sucks
have you checked your vitamins and minerals? just the other day I was talking to someone who's moderately knowledgeable on the matter, and a lot of depression these days seems to be strongly correlated with low levels of some essential micronutrients. fixing those has worked a lot better on me than prescriptions I got before. 2024-09-26 19:37

full disclosure: I don't carry a tracking device, I don't wish to carry a tracking device, and every public or private service that attempts to deny me service for this reasonable choice comes across not only as an accessibility barrier, but as an existential threat.
it's an artificial disability imposed on me, that I find myself constantly struggling with nowadays. it's become quite a trigger. 2024-09-26 19:33

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Neurodiversity and neurodivergence: for greater understanding
Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-23

Alexandre Oliva 2024-09-17

Free Assange!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-26

FSF disposition
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-17

domingo, no parking
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-03

signing digital documents
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-01

Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-05-08

bateria um descontrole
Alexandre Oliva 2024-04-25

monstering cults
Alexandre Oliva 2024-03-17

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31